Father's Day - yesterday

I am so glad my kids have a wonderful father.
I am a very lucky woman to have Scott in my life!

Scott and I were asked to speak in church on Father's Day. For those not of the LDS faith, they let normal church members speak at the pulpit during our Sunday meetings, especially when you are new, so you can introduce your family to the congregation.

I don't normally have a problem speaking in public, but Father's Day is difficult for me. My father passed away 13 years ago, very unexpectedly, while I was in Venezuela as a missionary. Of course I think about my father every day, but Father's Day is a hard day. Scott's father passed away almost 4 years ago from cancer; the day is difficult for him, too. I miss both of our fathers and miss the grandfathers they would be to our kids.

Needless to say, I cried off and on during my talk, but I was able to testify of C
hrist, His love that heals and the power of the Atonement. I know our families can be together forever because of Christ's love and sacrifice. We can also feel support and strength from loved ones who have passed on, despite the fact that we cannot see them. Read more

I also felt that I needed to mention Elliot. He is part of our family and no one here even knows about him. He was stillborn September 21st, 2011 and I miss him. I watch my little beauties play together and like to imagine all of us enjoying this little boy. Sometimes I want to scream at the injustice. We were robbed of having Elliot here, physically part of our family NOW. Most of the time I have accepted his loss but he is never far from my thoughts.

The day was great, though. My grandparents came to sit with my kids during church and helped us
so much. My grandpa has been a wonderful great-grandpa; my boys really enjoy him. My mom and Scott's mom have married wonderful men who are good grandpas, too. We are very blessed. We finished Father's Day by having dinner with my brother and his family. We are loving spending
time with extended family.


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