The Polar Express

Early in December we went to Williams and rode the Polar Express with Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Bill. The whole day was an adventure: we realized too late that the DVD player didn't work. As we got closer to Flagstaff and temps dropped, we realized our heater was broken; at a gas station someone told us that the freeway we were taking was closed ahead because of snow. We had to backtrack and take back roads. At a small town I googled a mechanic and he fixed our heater. It was 12 degrees and I was freezing! Originally our plan was to find a place to go sledding before the train ride, but a 3 1/2 hour trip turned into an 8 hour trip. Luckily we made it to the train station with a half hour to spare. The experience was worth the trouble. On the way to the North Pole we listened to the story of the Polar Express. We loved the hot chocolate and ginormous cookies. We got to see Santa and his elf out the window at the North Pole. Santa then came aboard and gave all the kids a little bell....