B before school one day
I still remember wearing vests; can't believe they're back
My sweet chubby Landon

Potty-training SUCKS right now

Bailey is always posing

Landon likes to climb under the chair and
then screams when he is tired of being stuck

Look at how dark Landon is next to Myles!
I don't have much to report right now. Life is good. Landon is still doing physical therapy and seems to be slowly improving. Myles is not improving in potty-training. As long as I make him pee every hour, we're good. I won't discuss how abysmal the #2 training is. Myles enjoys preschool on Tues/Thurs afternoons and it works out perfectly: he goes to preschool and Landon and I get groceries or go to lunch with friends. Bailey is doing great in school. We love her teacher and she is excelling in math and science. Scott is still beyond busy with work, church and family. We are grateful to be close to his mom and sister; I'm always humbled that he can worthily provide them with guidance, support or priesthood blessings when they need it. He is such a great man and I am blessed to have him. I have been so blessed in my life and although the day-to-day necesseties can be mundane, I try to slow down and enjoy my kids. I am already saddened by the thought that one day they will be gone. Each of my kids is so strong-willed and independent that they will want the day to come soon and I will be the one who can't let go. Breathe in, breathe out. Worry about the present and let the Lord take care of the future. I'm trying to be more easy-going, but it's a slow process for me.


Jamie said…
What cutie pies! I love the picture so Landon's bare buns! Why is he in physical therapy?
Man, those kids are so dang cute! I think our family has won the lottery with cute kids. I love that Landon hangs out under the chair, I can't wait to meet him in a few short weeks! Love you guys
whipplewife said…
I am so excited to see all of you again! What a darling family! Yea, don't I know about letting your kids grow up! What I love now though is watching all of you wonderful adult kiddos raise those sweet grandkids! Love you all!

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