Happy Valentine's Day

Bailey was such a great helper while Scott was gone this weekend

Landon wasn't feeling good and I took advantage of him letting me hold him

Such a great visit with Arycca

The three amigos while B was at school

Bailey would love a sister after this visit!

I missed posting in January. I actually didn't miss it at all; I didn't even think about it. I have been trying some new things out and am limiting my time online. I am also making dinner every night thanks to e-mealz.com; I love knowing what I am going to cook each night and knowing that I have all the necessary ingredients. Why did I rebel against planning and organization for so long? Our food bill has gone down and we're eating healthier as well. I have been trying to eat less -the whole concept of slowing down and enjoying your food actually works. I still don't sit down to eat very often, but I am consciously eating more fruits and vegetables and feel better than I have in months.
I decided that this is the year to figure out my running injury. My left foot goes numb at various points in the day. About 16 months ago it started going numb when I ran more than 10 miles at a time. Now it goes numb when I first get out of bed, when I go walking, and basically whenever I do anything weight-bearing. My doctor has me on crutches hoping that staying off it will allow it to heal. Last year I spent 2 months with a physical therapist, 3 months with a chiropractor; I saw a podiatrist, a sports physician, even an acupuncturist trying to figure out what is happening to my foot. I gave up after May (and subsequently had to give up running, too.) Since the problem is not getting better, I will try anything. I may never run again, but I still need the use of my left foot so I'm hoping this is the year to solve the problem.
My wonderful, beautiful, sweet, happy, smart, tall and adorably pregnant sister came to visit me a couple of weeks ago. We had the best visit. She brought her little girl, McKinley (17 months at the time) and we had a blast. We all ate them both up. We went to the park every day, talked while the kids napped, cooked together, took turns watching the kids so the other could shower before noon, and a dozen other little-appreciated acts together. My sweet sister is my best friend (besides Scott) and it was so wonderful to have her here. She is a treasure in my life and I can't wait to see her again in July and meet her newest daughter.
Scott went snowboarding Friday and Saturday with the young men in the ward. Then on Sunday he had to leave church early to head to work to fix the latest emergency there. I thought I appreciated him, but after this weekend I have gained an even greater appreciation for my Valentine.


Arycca Brothers said…
You are so freaking cute! I love you and your adorable family!
That is so sweet. Aren't sisters the best?! So are sisters-in-law! Love and Miss you!
whipplewife said…
How darling your family, Bec! I am just so thrilled to see you and Arycca get to spend time together. You are her hero! She is your best friend. What more can a mom want than to have her kids adore each other? I know you both feel the same way about your brothers, too! And, I'm with Shelley, all the spouses are the greatest, too!
Janene said…
I have seen the light about writing up a menu for our dinners! I love only having to think about "what to cook" for five minutes every week or so.

I'm so glad you had some sister time! I miss you. fun to read about what you are up to. Sorry about the crutches. That just plain stinks. :o\

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