Elliot Keith Barber

I have had the name Elliot on my mind for about a month now, two weeks before we knew it was a boy and that he had passed away. I was thinking of using it for a girl, but Scott was absolutely not on board with that! Once we delivered him I felt so strongly that we should use that name. My great-grandparents had a baby boy who died before he was two. His name was Keith. I was really close to my great-grandpa the decade before he died. I loved the idea of using his son's name as my son's middle name.
I recently found out what Elliot means and it is another testament of the love of God and His involvement in our lives. In Hebrew Elliot means, "my God is the Lord." It also can mean, "My God helped me." My little Elliot is my testimony of how God has helped me. I have truly felt God's healing and help in my life. Losing this baby has been hard, but when I turn to the Lord, He helps lift this burden helps me face each day. I know God lives and that He is aware of us in our lives, during the good times and bad. I feel so blessed. With God on our side, nothing is impossible. Through Christ's healing, we can have joy despite our pain. I appreciate all that God does for me.


whipplewife said…
I am sure Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Broomhead are blessed by your remembrance of them. Your written thoughts throughout the past two week's journey, as well as the sharing of your feelings over the last 4 months will be encouraging to all who are privileged to know you and to read your words. My expectation is that little Elliot is keeping his Grandpa Fred company and that they are the best of buddies. I miss dad every day, too, honey!I love you.
lynsey said…
hey becky,

i was just reading through your blog, i hope that's okay...and even though there may be times where you don't feel strong, but your testimony and faith show such a deep conviction and strength that is truly inspiring to me!

i just wanted you to know i'm grateful for you, and even though i know that we don't know each other that well {except through our meal switch-off's lately :)} but i just love you! and your family.

my heart has been so sad for what you have been through, and i am here for you if ever you need to talk. thank you for writing about this hard experience and again, for your example of faith through trials.


p.s. i loved this quote from the relief society meeting last week, and thought of you when i heard it:

"Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."

—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Arycca Brothers said…
Such a beautiful name, Becky. Great Grandpa would be in tears, just like the rest of us. Love you, Sister.

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