I have a lot to update. First and foremost, the plan to move to Utah is falling into place. I say that tongue-in-cheek, since none of this has been easy, but let's just say that the Lord always knows what He is doing and I have found that when I follow His path, despite the all-too-often accompanying stress, heartbreak and pain, things do work out.

We went to Utah during Spring Break and bought a house. Scott had several interviews and was offered a job after we returned home. The whole process has been done in reverse; generally people get a job offer, decide to move and then get a house. None of this has been conventional.

We don't LOVE the house, but we know it is where we are supposed to be. Coincidentally, the new job for Scott is only ten minutes from where we will live. I am doing cartwheels (emotionally) at the thought of having my husband around again. What will that even be like? I cannot wait to find out!

The housing market in Utah is crazy right now. Prices are much higher than here in Arizona and the decent houses are getting snatched up quickly, thus causing prices to climb. We were so blessed to find this house and the sweet 90-year-old woman who owns it. Long story short, when we did our first showing her realtor was there presenting an offer from another couple who had gone through it earlier that day. For some reason they rubbed the owner wrong and for some other reason, she really liked us. She accepted their contract, they took turns countering back and forth; we put an offer in 3 days later (much lower than she was asking!) and she accepted our offer and cancelled their contract. I am still in awe. The house has great potential and new windows. It also needs a lot of work, but I am not afraid of work. Having a place to soon call home and a great job for Scott has made this process of denial, resistance, pain, acceptance and now hope complete. I feel so blessed by the hand of God.

Someone recently told me that she thought my life always seemed perfect to her, that good things always came my way and that everything I needed always seemed to fall into place. I was a little hurt by that, considering the three miscarriages and the recent and still tender loss of Elliot, stillborn only six months' ago. I also started thinking on the past six years of severe financial hardship, the past two years of my poor health, losing my father 13 years ago (today). It only proves that none of us really knows what another is going through; only Christ can understand perfectly; through the power of His atonement He can heal us.

I miss my father terribly. I thought I had healed and accepted his loss. I am learning that great loss never completely heals. This keeps us thinking of heaven, helps us remember this life is not the end. I cannot wait to see my father again, to meet my son, Elliot, and to one day truly be made whole.


lynsey said…
oh becky, this was beautiful. YOU are beautiful! thank you so much for your example, you have let your life be led by faith and personal revelation of the plan that God has in store for you, and it has meant more to me than you could know.

while i'm still sad over the fact that you won't be a few streets away from me during those days that i come out of my hermit-shell and actually hang out with friends, i'm so grateful that in the few months i have gotten to know you, i have been affected by who you are and consider you a lifelong friend....no matter WHERE you live!! :)
Hugs for you today my friend! :-) Love you!
Arycca Brothers said…
Love always, sweet sister. I miss you, and I miss dad. I'm so glad I'll see you soon!

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