Elliot Day - 2nd Anniversary

Elliot's day came amidst great trials this year. September is a hard month for us because it hosts the anniversaries of losing Scott's father and Elliot. Scott's sister placed her daughter for adoption in September, as well. This year brought other trials. Scott lost a coworker to a car accident; he was 32. The next week he also lost his boss to colon cancer; his boss was 33 and left behind a young family. The emotional stress has been tough on Scott and it brings up a lot of mourning in us both.

The week leading up to Elliot's day both our cars ended up in the shop. Scott's car needed a new head gasket and mine needed a new computer. Both were expensive fixes and the parts for the van were 4 days away. A friend let us use her son's boat hooptie grand marquis. I am so thankful for that; she saved us renting a car for a week. We sold Scott's car and fixed the van, though I would have loved to replace my vehicle, too. I will have to wait on that. :(

For Elliot this year I decided we should do acts of service, one for each letter of his name. I really enjoyed turning outward as a way of celebrating him. I might be the only one in the family to complete his/her list, but I needed it most. Saturday night we went to dinner for Elliot's birthday celebration. We don't take the kids out very often, so this was truly special to them. I am thrilled they each still talk about him.

On a related note, I found a doctor who actually LISTENS and after hearing my history, ordered blood work. She discovered I have a blood clotting disorder that leads to menorrhagia (no need to talk about that on a family blog), miscarriage and stillbirth. With women who have this von Willebrand disorder, most pregnancies end in miscarriage. My three living children really are miracles!

I was grateful for answers but even more upset with the awful doctor I had in Arizona. For 5 years he watched me suffer great losses but didn't consider looking further for answers. I met with one doctor here and within minutes she wanted to get to the bottom of my history. She is a godsend. Next week I meet with a high risk doctor to figure out what, if anything, needs to be done at this time. Apparently people with serious cases need blood transfusions several times a month. I don't think I need that (I hope not) but am a little anxious to get answers.


I'm glad you found a better dr. You should send the one in Arizona a little note about how great he is:)

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