My kids on my suitcase before my trip to Utah

Janene, Keira, Liseth, me, Jessie, Heidi and Dustin

Heidi Merryweather Palmer

Bailey found my camera in my purse

I went to Utah for 23 hours December 19-20 for Heidi's wedding. Heidi is one of my mission companions and a very dear friend. She was the one who was with me when my dad died. We got to spend 6 months (1/3 of our missions) together. Not many people develop that kind of a relationship with someone and I am very grateful for her, that she was able to find the love of her life and that I could be at their wedding. I was also thrilled to see so many wonderful women from my mission. Where would I be without that time in Venezuela? It shaped my whole life and future. I am so blessed that I could go and serve.
We had a wonderful Christmas. Scott was able to stay home the entire week between Christmas and New Year's; it was nice to have him around. He has taken busy to a new level since September and we are thrilled that things are slowing down at work. This year was much better than last, when Landon was colicky and Scott was gone 100+ hours/week.
We spent New Year's at home with good friends. Winter break was fun with Bailey home. Toward the end she was restless and starting to take it out on her brothers. They still adore her, though. I tried running last week after the marathon and limped the rest of the day. My left foot/ankle is bad so I will go see a different doctor tomorrow. I'm bummed; I really miss running and know I need it. I'm praying for a speedy recovery. In the interim I bike, lift and try my hardest at yoga. I really hate yoga!
Life is good. I say that a lot, but I really mean it. I am truly blessed. Money is tight, but there is more to life than money. I made some resolutions that I will keep, mainly treating my little kids with more respect. I need them to keep me from focusing so much on myself. Fortunately they are each loud and let me know when I'm not fulfilling their needs. I have some bad habits to break this year. Here's to 2010! Hoping it is a great one for all of us.


Megan Dougherty said…
Yeah Merryweather got married!! I have always loved her! I am jealous you got to hang out with some hermanas. How fun!
Janene said…
you might hate me ... I have to tell you that yoga is what finally sped my recovery from my marathon injury. (totally different injury hip flexer i think) I became a yoga convert. I don't do it now, but it sure did work when I needed it.

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