My Birthday

a llama + a cow + ducks + a pig + goats +
a bucket full of bunnies = one fun kid party!

Landon wasn't too interested in the animals

Bailey and Myles had a blast grooming the cow

The owner set up the traveling petting zoo
right in our neighbor's yard

The animals were very patient with
all the neighborhood kids holding them

Landon was happy that Myles was
distracted so he could play with his bike

February is my favorite month and I celebrate all month long, despite the fact that my birthday isn't until the 25th. I had another wonderful birthday this year. On the actual day I went to lunch with a friend and we took the family to dinner. That was entertaining; we went to Chili's where our loud Landon didn't stand out too much. The next day (Friday) my friend gave me a 2 hour deep tissue massage (heavenly!) and that night I went out for dinner and bowling with some great girlfriends. The next day we went to two birthday parties. The morning one was our neighbor's petting zoo party. The kids had so much fun. Later that night Scott and I went to another friend's birthday party (pizza and volleyball). Sunday we celebrated my b-day with our adopted family here, the Aldrich family. Because Peggy and Jill were out of town we celebrated my birthday with them almost a week later. I am sad to see February go, but happy that my birthday was so great. Thanks to all my loved ones who remembered my birthday, via phone calls, texts, facebook, etc. It was fabulous and I felt very loved all week long.


I'm so glad you had a great birthday, you so deserve it! Love ya!
whipplewife said…
I can't wait to be there with you and your family, Bec! You are loved and admired and you are the best little mom! I know your kids adore you, not to mention your good husband! Count me in as your biggest fan, too! Love you!
Michelle said…
Fun to read about your birthday month! Happy 2010 Birthday!!! Love you, Michelle
Kristi said…
Glad you had a happy birthday! The animals are so cute. What fun for the kids!

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