Saturday was such a wonderful day for me. I was able to fit so much into my day; I love days like that. Besides feeding Landon every two hours, I got up, worked out and showered by 9 (a major feat for me). I went to the temple to do initiatories. I was so humbled when I got to do them in Spanish. I got really emotional listening to the Lord's blessings in Spanish and it made me pay attention more. I felt so blessed and grateful that I speak Spanish.
I got home, cleaned up the whole house and even mopped my kitchen floor. Before Landon I did that once a week; I won't even say how rarely it gets mopped lately. We went to the park with Scott's mom for a picnic lunch. The weather was so perfect; it was in the low 70s with a light breeze. Scott got a haircut and Bailey had a friend over. The kids had a fun babysitter while Scott, Landon and I went to dinner and a movie with some good friends from my mission. We were even in bed by 10! That never happens and it helped since Landon got up twice that night. I need productive days like that one to rejuvenate me as a mother.
Today's midweek activity was Garden Basics and I really want to start a garden. I can't dedicate the time it would take right now; I barely get anything done besides feeding and holding Landon. My boys need a lot of love as babies. Fortunately there are three growing seasons in Arizona so I can start in October when Landon is a little happier and less demanding.
There is a time and a season for everything. I need to keep reminding myself of that when my days are filled with kids' needs and I am exhausted emotionally and physically. I'm so grateful that the Lord makes up the difference in everything I do. He definitely wants us to be successful in our lives and with Him we can be. Just remember: sometimes our successes come in ways that are not recognizable to us now.


It's always nice to have a productive day. It always makes me feel good too!

I replied to your email long ago, but haven't heard from you? Maybe it got lost in your junk email? Looks like you are busy - busy - busy! It is hard to type with a baby on your lap! =)
Anonymous said…
I love you! Your words are great reminders to me too. Sometimes I just want to run away and be alone, but my kids will only be little once! Glad you had a good day.
What a great day! What an awesome person!! :-)

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