Landon still tilts his head to the left

Myles actually fell asleep in front of a movie

a typical morning before walking B to school

Here is an update on the past three weeks: Scott and I had our first overnighter without kids in 5 years! It was wonderful and we are so grateful to have good friends who made it possible for us. We went the day before his birthday and stayed at a nice resort in Scottsdale; we slept in, we ate out, we went swimming, went to the movies and got Scott a nice stereo addition that enables him to use his Iphone while he drives his hour to and from work each day for our little family. I will speak for him and say that this was his best birthday in a long time. I missed my kids, but not as much as I thought I would.
The next weekend Scott and his friend, Steve, went to L.A. for a mancation. They saw a Dodgers' game, an Angels' game and the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes play. It was all baseball all weekend and when he told me the Dodgers' game went into the 12th inning, I was so glad I wasn't there. We missed him, but the kids were much better behaved than I expected. I also have good friends who helped entertain us. He came back so happy that I think this will become a yearly event. He needed this weekend and I'm so glad he got to go.
Bailey started 2nd grade on Monday. She loves her teacher and comes home very happy. She needs to be busy and school is so good for her. I have enjoyed a little more downtime with the boys. Our summer was a constant, "go, go, go!"; staying home has been a nice change of pace.
Bailey has been teaching herself songs on the piano by ear! Her latest is a birthday song the primary sings at church. I'm very impressed and wish she would consent to taking lessons. She claims she already knows how to play. Myles was playing with some toys and when Scott asked what their names were he said, "Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith." Adorable. Landon is one happy baby. My boys may have rough starts, but they blossom into happy little guys. Landon is trying to crawl; it's more of a cycle from sitting position to lunge and back to sitting, but he gets around. His physical therapy is really helping and we are seeing noticable differences.
Life is so great. I cannot complain. My kids are happy, I have a great husband, and we are all healthy and strong. We have "sufficient for our needs" and pretty soon the weather will cool down (I hope!). Life is really good.


jgirl said…
Becky, tell Scott "hi" from me and I just wanted to say what an adorable family you two have! Keep up the good work and take care!=0)
Hey Sis! You guys definitely deserved that time. I have to say that is one good lookin group of kids!
Michelle said…
Landon has grown so much. Simply adorable! You are a wonderful mother. Thanks for sharing.
Janene said…
12 innings. I can barely make it to the seventh (isn't that when they have you sung the baseball song?)

Your family is darling, friend.

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