Rough Day

Yesterday was a really rough day. Both of my boys get bronchiolitis when they get any kind of congestion; basically they wheeze and we use breathing treatments every four hours for a week until they get better. Their breathing isn't too labored, but they don't sound very good. Landon has been wheezing since Sunday so I took him in to the Dr. yesterday. The nurse practitioner checked his oxygen level and it was 99% so he was getting oxygen despite the wheezing. I assumed she would tell me to continue the breathing treatments at home every four hours for the next week. This is the same procedure with each boy every time either one gets a cold and it goes straight to his lungs. I was very surprised when she told me I needed to take Landon to the E.R. immediately. I asked a lot of questions, mainly, “Why am I taking him to the E.R.? Is it really that serious? What am I supposed to say when they ask why I am there? Are you sure I need to go to the E.R.” She told me that he needed to be supervised for the next few hours because his heart rate was elevated and his ribs were pulling in when he breathed. I left very annoyed because in my heart I knew he did not need to go to the E.R. I knew he was not in any distress and that I was about to waste my entire afternoon (and not to mention a hefty $150 E.R. Copay) for nothing. I knew the doctors and nurses we encountered would ask me why I was there and that he was doing pretty well for having bronchiolitis.

So WHY did I do it? I went because the previous night I had a very real and very horrible dream that Landon died. In my dream he died and I could not stop crying. My entire extended family was in my dream feeling sorry for me and no matter how hard I tried I could not stop crying.

I went to the E.R. and it was exactly as I knew it would be. I wasted 3 hours (when Landon could and should have been home sleeping) and each doctor and nurse asked me why my doctor told me to take him to the E.R. His x-rays of his lungs showed that he did not have pneumonia and that he had bronchiolitis. What a surprise! I was so angry at myself for wasting my time and our money and not trusting myself. I was also angry at my subconscious for that horrible dream. I certainly have that fear that one of my kids is going to die. My father-in-law is buried in a beautiful cemetery; I got a sick feeling when we drove by the children's section of the cemetery. I certainly worry that one of my kids is going to be buried there.

I am also angry at the nurse practitioner for her ridiculous suggestion, but if I had not gone and something had happened to Landon, I never would have been able to forgive myself. Needless to say, I will be switching doctors.


Jamie Bowers said…
I am sorry. What a day! I dont blame you for taking him though. YOu just never know...and that would scare me after that dream also! That is also one of my fears to lose a child. Glad that everything is ok!!
5 words for you, my friend:


Hang in there! Love you!
Anonymous said…
I have had days like that too! When Dallon broke his arm in AZ we couldn't get medical care for him when we came back here, no doc wanted to take him on. So our pediatrician said we had to go to the ER. We went, he was doing fine, of course, and wasted 3 hours there. They wouldn't do anything and wanted us to contact an ortopediatric doctor, so we had to start out at square one. Not fun!
Megan Dougherty said…
Too bad you don't live here in the Vegas area. We have the BEST doctor for the girls. I hope you find a great one.

I think most mothers have that fear that they will lose a child. I remember growing up and my mom expressing that fear and recently my MIL admitted she had that fear about my hubby while he was growing up because he was such a good kid. I had Kaelyn only a few months after my sister lost a newborn and I dealt with a lot of irrational fears during that time and still.
Oh the joys of motherhood...damned if you do and damned if you don't. Welcome to the club!! You did the right thing
Michelle said…
Hang in there! You are a great mother and your kids come first as you know. Those dreams can feel so real and stay with you for days. I had a similar one of Cooper. I could tell you how and where he fell and broke his neck at our home in Kaysville. So glad it was a dream and we have moved from the danger in our backyard. Miss you!
Dana G said…
Talk about a bad day! So sorry you had to experience that. Love, Aunt Dana
Janene said…
Bah! Hurry and change docs before obamacare kicks in :o)

But seriously, the medical side of being a parent is tough, especially after a nightmare like that. Sometimes I just have to sigh and realize that at times, you just can't win.

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