Stake Women's Conference

Saturday we had a Stake Women's Conference. It was wonderful. I went to three great classes: surviving/loving motherhood, strengthening and maintaining your testimony, and women are extraordinary. The classes were uplifting and rejuvenating. One statement from the motherhood class has stayed with me: you may not be a perfect mother, but you are the perfect mother for your family. The class on testimony put the importance of maintenance in perspective by comparing it to car maintenance. We may do okay for awhile without taking care of the car, but one day when we expect the car to work for us, just like it usually does, we will find that our neglect has caught up to us. We can't let our testimonies fall by the wayside. In the extraordinary class we had to write three things that made us as individuals extraordinary. I encourage whoever reads this to do the same! We all wrote completely different reasons, but it was great to write it down and feel unique.
I left the conference feeling so happy and refreshed. I felt excited about all that my life entailed. I have a great life but sometimes caring for little ones can be a challenge. Those few hours were exactly what I needed and I really appreciate the women who put such a great conference together. A lot of women left encouraged and full of the Spirit; I saw it on their faces and I know my family saw it on my face when I returned home happy to be with them again.


Arycca Brothers said…
You are so great, Bec. I love you and your cute family. Happy Birthday!
Michelle said…
I sure enjoyed reading your notes from the conference. Thank you for sharing!

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