Happy Birthday, Myles!

Today Myles turned 6. I apologize for the pictures but they are from iphoto because my computer is not yet hooked up and I am stuck using a mac laptop (which I am grateful to have) but miss the better quality of my camera. 

Anyway, Myles Jay Barber is a true miracle and gift from God. All children are miracles and gifts from God and I do not mean to downplay anyone else's miracles, but Myles really came to us at a time when I thought we might never be able to have any more children. The fact that Bailey came without a hitch just proves that when she wants something badly enough, she will make it happen!

After Bailey we suffered two miscarriages; both were hard on me emotionally and physically. I had a good friend who was a labor and delivery nurse who suggested I take a baby aspirin every day of the first trimester of my next pregnancy. Miraculously, this worked and Myles joined our family. ***

Myles had a rough first year due to acid reflux (though he was enormous; most babies who suffer this are dangerously thin). He never slept for more than an hour, night or day, the first two months. He was a very unhappy little guy, but who isn't with their stomach constantly in pain? Four weeks after he was born I had to have my appendix out. That was the darkest time of my life (doesn't that sound awful since Myles was such a prayed-for and desired baby?) because of postpartum depression, serious sleep deprivation and recovering from delivery and then major surgery.

When Myles was six months' old he started to sleep five hours straight at night. He was feeling better (though he continued to barf buckets the whole first year of life) and we could see a sweet, happy personality under all that misery. He has continued to be a delight ever since. I love all my children, but sometimes when Myles is so loving and easy to please I just am overwhelmed with gratitude to have him in my life. Little boys are so kind to their moms and I am thankful he loves me so much.

Myles loves to read; he loves trains, legos and anything electronic. He is young for his age, emotionally-speaking, but does very well scholastically. He does not intentionally hurt other kids. Instead of fighting back he usually ends up crying in frustration. He is curious and likes to figure things out. His questions cause me to think about things that never before occurred to me. I love knowing Myles and love having him as my son.

***The baby aspirin worked with Myles and Landon, but did not work with what became our third miscarriage, nor with our stillborn baby last fall. I don't recommend anyone try it without consulting a doctor first.


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