Fun Few Weeks

I have had the best few weeks lately. My friend, Michelle, was here visiting from Texas. We hit the zoo, the planetarium, the splash pad downtown at the Gateway, Temple Square, City Creek, and a BBQ place right by our house. She showed me places I might not have seen even though I live here. It was so great having her here. I miss being with people who know and love me!
I also had another friend here, Chelsea from Mesa. We were able to connect a few times, as well. My kids loved the fun activities and seeing old friends. In June my best friend, Spring, came out for a family function. I don't think I mentioned that, but it was so great to see her. She came at a real low point here and was just the pick-me-up that I needed.  I am grateful that most of my loved ones have some connection to Utah and we can reunite when they are here, though it makes it very difficult when they have to leave!

Scott and I "celebrated" our 11th anniversary yesterday sleep deprived, with my niece spending two days with us, and going to our kids' school open house. Friday night I went to a fun concert with a friend and then ran a midnight 5K so I didn't get home until after 1 am. Scott had to work at 7 am Saturday (anniversary day) so he was going to go to bed early. My sister-in-law went into labor and they ended up calling Scott around midnight so that we could watch my niece. It certainly wasn't the most romantic of our anniversaries, but we are hoping to celebrate in some way soon.

My 5K went so much better than I had feared it would! I haven't run in several months; I was worried about the change in altitude, the steep incline that comprised the first mile and a half and being exhausted. I am not a night owl by any stretch of the imagination. But it went well and I had a personal best of 29:28. I am hoping to start running again. I will not run 3-4 times per week like before. I prefer to change it up and have been enjoying swimming laps. I did realize how much I missed it, though. I am definitely a runner at heart.

Seeing my beautiful new nephew today was hard for me. I miss my Elliot so much sometimes. No one here really gets how difficult it was for me to lose him. Scratch that, my sister gets it, but no one else does. I cannot lie to myself, saying that I am not jealous when other people have beautiful babies born healthy and strong and alive but it was just not meant to be for us. Many people have asked (and I bet a lot more have wondered) if we were going to try again. I do not see that happening. I certainly have not closed my heart to the idea, but at this point I am not emotionally healthy enough to even consider running the risk of losing another baby. We have always talked about adoption as an option, particularly because Scott's mom was adopted and we have a dear friend who gave her baby up selflessly for adoption when she realized babies deserve a mom and a dad. Adoption has always been dear to our heart. That might be the route we take someday if we decide to add to our family. There are certainly a lot of children out there who deserve a better home.

I don't think my kids realize just how lucky they are to have a mom and a day who love them and each other. That is really a rarity in this day and age. I think God will expect a lot more from them because of this great blessing in their life. We really are so blessed in so many ways. Sometimes it is hard to remember that, but when we take the time to be still and to listen to God, we can feel His love and see His mighty hand in our lives. I am thankful for all He does for me, to help me on this journey.


Arycca Brothers said…
I think the only thing I can say is that I love you:) You truly are the strongest person I know, and I feel so blessed to have you for my sister! I miss you, can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Michelle said…
I adore you and enjoyed our visit with you and your famiy more than you know. Appreicate your kind words and example on your blog. You amaze me! Thank you for your example of faith and love!
Janene said…
things that are tricky to share at the swimming pool with littles hanging on your arms. :o) Thanks for writing your thoughts. Good luck with the neighborhood school. When routine feels a little more normal, we'll schedule something, yes?

Love to you!

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