Happy 4th of July!

Last night we took the kids to see the fireworks. We weren't really planning on it since it was so hot and we are going to see some fireworks in Utah for Pioneer Day. About 8 o'clock it was still 101 outside and we were trying to convince Bailey to settle for fireworks on TV (lame, but it's hot outside!) Out of nowhere it started raining across different parts of the valley and the temperature dropped 10 degrees in 2 minutes. We made a mad dash to get the kids ready and headed away from the storms to a little town called Apache Junction. We found a great parking spot behind the high school there and watched in the baseball field. The city had planned for the fireworks to shoot directly over the stadium, where all the people had been waiting, but with our great luck the wind blew all the fireworks southeast, directly over where we were sitting. By the time the fireworks started it was only 85 degrees. The weather was perfect, we weren't bombarded with people and my kids were more fun to watch than the actual fireworks. Bailey told us that it was the best day of her life. I reminded her of the great day she had on her birthday, but nothing could top fireworks for her. Myles didn't know what to think at first. He covered his ears and wouldn't look up for awhile. It helps that he wants to do whatever his sister does. She cheered at every blast and Myles started to cheer, too. I had one of those rare moments (at least for me) where I wasn't wishing to be somewhere else, where I wasn't mentally cursing my "to-do" list, where I knew this would be a moment that I would cherish forever. Happy 232nd birthday, America. I am so grateful to live here and in this time, despite the turbulent financial, political, and illegal alien situation this great country is in; I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


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