We had a great weekend that involved good friends I made on my mission to Venezuela. Friday we went to Jill and Jeremy Wright's home. They have three adorable little boys and our kids got along really well. Just watching our husbands and kids together I could not help but remember when Jill and I were out on the streets knocking doors and reminiscing about America. I never really could have imagined what life would be like, eight years later, with our own little families and living in Arizona of all places!
Saturday night we went to Marci and Carlos Hernandez' home and I experienced the same nostalgia. Marci made the best Venezuelan meal and I loved being with her cute family, too. She and I never served together, but we lived together in Merida, too, and our love for our missions and the gospel sealed our friendship. I am so blessed to have served with these amazing women and to now be able to live so close to them.
Another friend from our mission, Janene Wirthlin, posted on her blog a few pictures of this amazing couple we knew while serving in Merida. He was the Stake President during that time and this past weekend they were in Utah being set apart as mission presidents for the Caracas mission. I am so excited for them and for the missionaries who taught them the gospel. We never know the full fruits of our labors but we are certainly blessed with glimpses of heaven now and then.
As I watch my kids grow up and make their own decisions (good and bad) I cannot help but think back to the wonderful people I taught and loved on my mission. We can only do our best and leave them in the hands of the Lord. I am so glad to have a lifetime with my kids rather than just a few months like with investigators. And just like teaching people on the mission truly taught me, I am learning so much from my kids and the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us. I am grateful for His love and patience on my behalf and hope that He can help me develop a portion of that for my kids and others in my life.


Megan Dougherty said…
Congratulations Becky on expecting #3. How fun that you got to hang out with Jill and Marci. I wish we were heading down there sometime soon so I can see you again. Your kids look so big.

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