Willy's funeral

Yesterday was Willy's funeral. For a day that no one wants to endure, it was wonderful. The funeral was very uplifting and I know Willy enjoyed it. Scott gave the eulogy; he did a wonderful job highlighting his father's life and gave a sweet tribute. Chris spoke on the plan of salvation; many people of other faiths were in the audience. We hope that Willy's family learned a little about our beliefs and I think it would be hard for anyone who was there to not have come away knowing of our deep devotion to and faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Jill won the audience over with her "little know facts about my dad." She had everyone laughing and really gave a wonderful feeling to the meeting. I loved learning things about Willy that only she and Peggy knew. Several people got up and shared fond memories as well. It was a fantastic funeral.
Bailey had a wonderful weekend with her cousins. We didn't see her at all; she adopted Chris and his family as her own. It was nice to have her back today! We missed having Holly's family here, but were grateful that so many family members from both sides were able to attend and show their support to Peggy and the kids.
I miss my dad. I was not able to attend his funeral because I was in Venezuela on my mission. I don't regret that, but I still wonder how I would have felt had I been there. I have a hard time watching Scott mourn the loss of his father; it brings back so many memories of the pain I went through when my father first passed away. I feel at peace with my situation, but don't know how to help him have that peace. He must first pass through the pain and the raw hurt before arriving to where I am.
I have so much compassion for Peggy. I want to take away her pain, too, but know that I cannot. She, too, must endure this time. The Lord has it all planned out and is certainly blessing her with the daily miracles that I remember having and that my mom had. Despite the trials we have, the Lord does not leave us alone. His tender mercies are always upon us but we need to be humble enough to notice and appreciate them.
(Check out Bailey posing in this picture. Roll out the red carpet!)


Anonymous said…
You are so strong. It's true that the lord does bless us during difficult times. I remember when my brother passed away it was so horribly hard. However, I do remember how close I felt to my Heavenly Father. Closer than I had ever felt before or since then. Trials do have a way of increasing our testimonies and faith and making us stronger more compassionate people. Keep in touch. I am still thinking of you and your wonderful family.
I don't know what to say, seeing as I have never been in this situation. I just want to let you know that we are thinking about you.
Jill Wright said…
Becky & Scott,
We want you to know that you are all in our prayers and that we think about you often. You are such awesome people, and we know the Lord is aware of you and your family. We love you guys,
Jill & Jeremy
Janene said…
I'm so glad it was a special day. I've been thinking of you all lots.

Darling kids! :o)

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