Update on Scott's dad

Unfortunately, Scott's father is not going to recover. The surgery removed the tumor, but his immune system had been compromised from a year of chemotherapy and radiation. An infection in his body spread to his brain, causing a massive stroke on Friday. He has been unconscious ever since. On Monday the doctor confirmed that, although his organs are working, his brain has been seizing and he will not wake up again. Scott's brother arrived today and his sister will fly in tomorrow night. This awful news comes with so much pain and sadness. He was only 52 and very healthy. I know we were all hoping to have more time with him. No one was prepared for this.

Thank you for your prayers. I know that Scott's mom and family will continue to need love and support for a long time. Despite our faith and belief in eternity, our hearts and minds are subject to pain and grief. Death reminds us to live each day as if it were a gift. I hope to live without regret and to have a life full of love and meaning. I hope to live so that those I love will always know it.


Janene said…
I'm so sorry to hear this, Becky. What a difficult time, 52 seems so very young. We'll be thinking of you LOTS. hugs from me!
Megan Dougherty said…
Becky and Scott,
Our prayers are with you and your family. We are going to the temple on Friday and will put your names on the prayer roll. May the spirit bring you much comfort during this time! Love, The Doughertys
Anonymous said…
I am deeply saddedened by this news for your family and especially for Peggy. I am so sorry for your family. I wish there was something I could do for you. I love you Becky. Keep in touch.

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