my new kitchen sink!
Loving those sweet potatoes
future sportscaster or telemarketer?
Bailey is trotting like a horse, her favorite animal

I am a spoiled lady. I got my mother's day gift a month early; Scott and a friend installed a new kitchen sink and faucet for me. I cannot say how much I LOVE how it changes our whole kitchen. We had an old stainless steel sink that was 6.5 inches deep and I could never get it clean no matter how hard I tried. This new sink is fabulous; I love having one tub, it is 9 inches deep and a charcoal- colored composite granite that matches our black appliances. No matter how many dishes you put in the sink, you can't tell anything is in there, whereas with the old sink one glass in it looked like you hadn't done dishes in days.
I also got a massage Thursday night. A woman in our ward comes to your home with her massage table and then you fall asleep as soon as you are done. It felt so nice to destress. My neck, shoulders, wrists, hands, and back have been aching since I've had to carry Landon around in different positions to try to stretch his neck out. The massage was heaven; if only I could fit that into the budget once a week...
We had a great Easter with Scott's family that live an hour away. His aunt and uncle always make Easter fun for the kids. They have color-coded Easter egg hunts. Myles was actually getting into it this year. With each blue egg he would yell, "Look, I found!" I don't know if he meant "look at what I found" or "look, I found it" but it was cute. Bailey had a great time with her second cousin, Anna. Landon was a hit; he's so cuddly and sweet. He has been going down for naps a lot better lately and is much happier when he is well-rested, but aren't we all? My kids are so wonderful. Each is so different but so full of personality. Bailey is really ready for summer. She is counting down the days.
Last week we had Justin, Judy and Alan come to visit; I used to watch Justin when he and Bailey were newborns. They spent the first three years together like twins and it is fun to see them still have a great time together. We went swimming in their heated pool at the hotel. It was 93 out and we were COLD! I guess we have acclimated because the "natives" don't swim unless it is 100+ out. Landon loved the water. I am getting excited to spend the summer swimming with my cute kids.


Jamie Bowers said…
Hey Beck,

I dont know if you knew that Kamryn had torticolus also. Hers was so severe that she had to wear a helmet. (I have a picture of her in it on my last post actually!) We had to do months and months of physical therapy. I remember thinking the same thing "why me, this is hard" and feeling sorry for her for having this helmet thing on her head. Everyone would stare and whisper. And then I would take her to therapy and see these little kids that were severly handicapped and I remember feeling so guilty because this silly helmet and therapy is NOTHING compared to what these kids and other parents were going through. She did respond to the therapy fast and it got better really quick so I think you will be surprised. If you want to chat about it or have any questions let me know!! Love ya
Holly said…
Love the new sink! I'm glad you finally got it.
Love the sink! Oh and you didn't tell me about Landon's neck on the phone! I had to hear it from your mom! We are praying for him. Miss you......
Janene said…
I hear you, a good kitchen sink is SUCH a big deal. I hope you get spoiled ON mothers day as well. :o)

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