Broken Camera!

Of all the worst times to have a camera that doesn't work, now would be it. I want to put pics of the kids and Landon on my blog. We are looking around to get a new camera, but for now, here are the pics Scott took while we were in the hospital. Just follow the link to his facebook album. Sorry!

For all who are interested, I'm hanging in there. Three is tough, but it helps that Bailey is in school since she is the busiest and most social of us all. Landon doesn't sleep much at night (reminds me a lot of Myles) but I try to get at least an hour nap while the boys sleep in the afternoon before Bailey gets home. We are thrilled to have Landon here and cannot believe he is almost 2 weeks old. Scott is way too busy with work and we are both ready for the holiday season to be over so we can see him at home more often. Bailey is wonderful with the baby; she loves to hold him and is a big helper to me. Myles is sweet with him, too. Life is good!


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