Camera Works!

I was really sad when I saw that I had the two boys and Bailey pulled this face!
After a few minutes, Myles got tired of smiling and stopped looking at the camera
Two out of three is not bad
Scott fixed the camera so I thought I would try to get a cute picture of all three kids. It's harder than I thought it would be!


Dana G said…
What a cute "Barber Looking" family! You can sure tell they are brothers and sisters. I am glad things are going well. Congratulations!!!
Jamie Bowers said…
He is so cute! They all are!
Jill Wright said…
Becky! He's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you guys. I have a gift for him, and want to come by and see you all. Let me know when a good time would be. Congratulations!
Becky, your new little guy is so precious!! I love the pic with all 3 kids!

I came across your blog tonight from Rebecca's and love it! It is so cute and funny like you are. :-)

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