I have a tween!?!?!

Apparently, Bailey is a tween. I had no idea what I was in for, but we have entered that stage. She saved up her allowance and bought the High School Musical 2 CD; she listens to it morning and night. It's the first thing she asks for in the morning and after school and all night long. I can't stand how every song sticks in my head but I do love watching her dance and sing and rock out to her CD. She is so adorable.
Today she and her friend were discussing politics. Bailey has been very interested in the Presidential election. At school her class voted and she was very excited about McCain winning. She was very sad to learn that he lost in real life. Scott and I aren't McCain fans (but we weren't impressed with Obama, either) so I am surprised to hear her so interested. She and her friend were so funny! Her friend said, "I wish we had a sign that told Obama he couldn't win" and Bailey was, like, totally agreeing with her. I love how grown-up my little 6-year-old talks and acts.


Holly said…
Oh, how similar the girls are! Brooklyn loves to listen to the HSM2 sountrack incessantly. I find myself mindlessly humming the songs all the time. They are quite catchy! At least Bailey doesn't make her brother pretend to be Troy like Brooklyn does- haha.
Now here's the difference- Brooklyn came home from school last week saying she's "for Obama". That's what we get for sending her to public school in Democrat territory. I told her I voted for McCain and she didn't seem to care. Maybe its a 'tween thing... :)
Anonymous said…
That is hilarious! Kendall was totally rooting for Obama because everyone at school said that was who they liked. (We live in CT remember!)
I thought that tweens are suppossed to be older. You are in for it! I love the costumes for Halloween! Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby (when he gets here).
Anonymous said…
Bailey is just a hip little gal! I think she keeps Jadyn in the know as far as what's cool. Thank goodness though, cause I definitely don't!
Nan said…
I go walking with Emily's shuffle and when the HSM songs come on and I can't forward them fast enough. I use to love it but you can only take so much.

So you still haven't delivered? Good luck w/ that! I don't know what it's like to have a big baby. I'd be having him induce me~
Janene said…
I am, like, SO out of it, because I wouldn't know a HSM2 song if it hit me in the head. Can I still be friends with Bailey? :o)

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