Barber Baby #3

For anyone interested, Barber baby #3 will be arriving November 2008. I am 17 weeks along and we are thrilled to be expecting another little one around here. Bailey is convinced that we are having a girl; after all, she's been praying for a sister for a few years now. I have felt like it was a girl, but we will be happy with whatever we get.
My friends tell me that you cannot hide the third pregnancy and that is completely true in my case. I'm okay with it now that we are past the danger of miscarrying. We've had two ultrasounds and the baby looks healthy so we are celebrating our great news. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will find out if Bailey is right about the baby's gender.
Scott and I have recently received bigger, more time-consuming callings and are interested to see how it will all work out when we add a baby on top of our busy lives. Scott is the new executive secretary for the ward and I am the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society. I am going to miss my Mia Maids and all the young women, but it was time for a change. Scott is not so thrilled about his change. He enjoyed being the finance clerk; he announced a few weeks ago in Sunday School that he didn't like "dealing with people" so I think the Lord found humor in calling him to this position filled with phone calls and babysitting during bishopric interviews. He'll be great, of course. I will take all the Enrichment ideas anyone wants to throw my way.
Life in Arizona is so great. We are enjoying the sun and swim all the time with neighbors and friends. It's hard to believe that we get cold in the water if it's less than 100 degrees outside but we do. Let the sun beat down!


Anonymous said…
We have the same callings! How funny! We will have to share Enrichment ideas.
Kraucyk said…
Congrats Bec! You look great. I can't wait to hear what you guys are having. I totally agree about the whole getting in the pool thing. It's just as hot here in Bakersfield and even though it's 100 outside the pool is still cold. I'm a wimp too. I need the water to be a nice 86 degrees before I get in.
joanna said…

congratulations!!! that is so exciting! i see your friend jocelyn has the same callings, and so do we, although jordan just got switched. should we start an enrichment blog?
We are so happy for you. Babies are so much fun.

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