Pink or Blue?

It's a boy! We are very surprised and excited to be expecting another boy. Bailey was sad, especially since she has been praying for a sister for such a long time. I was surprised and now am eating my words since I "felt" like it was a girl. Since the ultrasound yesterday this pregnancy feels more real and we now trying to imagine what he looks like, if he'll be high-energy like the other two, how he'll sleep (actually only I worry about that), how large he will be, since Myles was a tank, etc. I still can't believe how long we have until we meet him. I guess I should enjoy the time now because once he gets here, we'll be very busy. I am nervous about the transition from two kids to three, but Bailey will be a big help this time around. Now we have to agree on a name.....


Anonymous said…
Congratulations! You will have the same kid situation as me. Girl, Boy, Boy! It's fun! Bailey will be fine with another boy, she will just love having a baby to take care of!
Yeah another boy. I bet you already had a girl name... good luch coming up with a boy name. We are so happy for you. Can't wait till you visit in July.
Nan said…
Boy names are tough. It will be great to have two boys together and Bailey can just mother them (or boss them). Congrats!
Jill Wright said…
That's so great! You will LOVE having 2 boys in a row. They will be such good buddies. I'm so glad to have my 3 little muchachos. They entertain each other. So, why don't you guys come over one night this week? What about Thursday or Friday?

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