Happy Birthday, Myles!

Myles turned 2 yesterday. We celebrated with bad pizza and fun games at Peter Piper Pizza, swimming and the most delicious cake (compliments to Costco). Bailey lost another tooth during dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house, too.
Myles has been a great addition to our family. He is happy (most of the time) and loves to make people laugh. He still loves to give Mom hugs-I will be sad when he outgrows that. When he gets angry he yells in the cutest, unintelligible jibberish but we get the gist of what he is trying to say. When he wants your attention, he pokes your arm until you look at him. He loves to dance and sing. He likes to do things on his terms; he's very independent. We love you, Myles!


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Myles! Wow, Bailey's teeth keep on coming out. Kendall hasn't even lost one yet!
Jill Wright said…
I cannot believe how big he is all ready. And I really can't believe it's been 2 years! When are you guys going to come visit us at our new house?
Nan said…
Your kids are growing so big! When are you coming up? It's been too long. I think we were spoiled last summer w/ all your visits.

Congats on the new baby!!! I'm so excited for you. This blog thing is going to be great to keep up w/ you. I'll email you my blog. I did once before but I'll give you another shot!Ha!

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