Beautiful Bailey June, Kindergarten Graduate

Our little kindergartener, Bailey, has finished her first year of school. She had a wonderful teacher and I still find it hard to believe that the year is over. She turns six in a couple of weeks and has really changed. A lot of the changes have been good, like learning to read and finding out how much she loves Math. (That's my girl!) One sad change I have seen is that she no longer is confident and outgoing. She is intimidated and worries about what others think. She never did that before. This isn't always how she is, but in groups of kids she doesn't know she turns quite shy. My wiser, more experienced friends tell me this will change by the third grade, but I can't help but think that five is a bit young to be feeling social pressure. I wish I could take it from her and give her all my confidence, but I know she has to learn it for herself. This parenting stuff never gets any easier!

Bailey donated 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love in April. She misses her long hair, but she looks so grown up with this new 'do and I love combing through her short hair as opposed to dealing with the snarls from before. The short hair will be great for the heat wave that will soon be coming our way.


Anonymous said…
Yeah Becky! You have a blog! I love it! Bailey is sooo cute with her short hair. She does look very grown up. Myles looks as cute as ever and so big! Hope you're doing great!

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