Happy 6th Birthday, Bailey!

Our sweet little Bailey is 6 years old now! We started the celebration with a surprise-Scott took the day before her birthday off. We went to visit Scott's grandma (whose birthday is the same as Bailey's) and then went swimming at a fun water park.
On her actual birthday she had an action-packed day and said she wished that every day was her birthday. She got to go to lunch with Grandma Peggy and Aunt Jill, pick out presents from them and finished it off with Coldstone ice cream. We are so grateful to have family close by; Bailey loves to be spoiled!
We had a mini-birthday party for Bailey (only 2 guests) with dinner, cake, presents and 100 tokens at Chuck E. Cheese. The girls went crazy with tokens, games, rides and noise. Even the $0.20 "prize" at the end of the night was a thrill. The pictures didn't turn out very well, as the girls were over-stimulated and very tired. They will all sleep well tonight, so a job well done on our part.
I am really enjoying the summer with Bailey home. She is so loving to Myles (a little TOO much most of the time) and she is always ready to have fun. She is very social so it gets me out of my cave (which I appreciate) and loves to direct whatever it is anyone is doing. Most of the time I don't mind, except when I am driving. I do not enjoy having my 6-year-old tell me how to drive.
She is a very smart, sweet, happy, driven, loving and unique little girl. Our boys will never be bored with her bossing them around. She runs our family and I am so thankful to have her in my life.


Nan said…
You have to love those b-day parties all done for you! Messes, treat bags, food, and entertainment for a little bit of money. Only once in a while do the kids actually get an old fashioned one at the house.

I didn't remember that she is Tommy's age. She really has grown.
Janene said…
Happy Birthday, Bailey!!! (I love to be spoiled on my birthday too ... ok, any day actually. :o)

Zach said the other day how he wanted to have Bailey over to play. Maybe soon? I love all of the ways you describe her, those musings will be a treasure someday!

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